ViWa Publikationen (bis 01.04.2022)
PROBST, E. & MAUSER, W. (2022): Evaluation of ERA5 and WFDE5 forcing data for hydrological modelling and the impact of bias correction with regional climatologies: A case study in the Danube River Basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 40, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101023.
GRAF, L., KAUSCH, I., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2019): Using harmonic analysis of green LAI time series obtained from Sentinel-2 imagery for daily representation of crop growth in a hydro-agroecological model. Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation, Band 28, Vienna (Austria), pp. 214-225.
MAUSER, W., HANK, T., JAKSZTAT, T. & PROBST, E. (2018): Virtual Water Values – A project for global and regional assessment of agricultural yields and water use efficiency. Scientific Papers-Series E – Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 192-197.
PROBST, E., KLUG, P., MAUSER, W., DOGARU, D. & HANK, T. (2018): Water Use Efficiency of selected crops in the Romanian Plain – Model studies using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images. Scientific Papers-Series E – Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 198-208.
HANK, T., BACH, H., JAKSZTAT, T., KLUG, P., ZABEL, F., BRUEGGEMANN, L., PROBST, E., PEROSA, F., RUF, T., HEINZELLER, C. & MAUSER, W. (2018): Using Copernicus data and growth modelling to globally assess virtual water flows in agricultural production – the ViWA concept. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2018, Valencia (Spain), pp. 9086-9089.
KLUG, P., DOTZLER, S., BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., KAUSCH, I., PROBST, E., JAKSZTAT, T., HANK, T.B. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Towards a Global Monitoring System of Water Use Efficiency Based on Assimilation of Copernicus Data into a Water Balance and Crop Growth Model. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, accepted.
MAUSER, W., HANK, T., PROBST, E., JAKSZTAT, T., HEINZELLER, C., ZABEL, F., DELZEIT, R., KLEPPER, G., ATTINGER, S., SAMANIEGO, L., MARX, A., V. HAAREN, C., BURKHARDT, K., SCHLATTMANN, A., NEUENDORF,F., BACH, H., KLUG, P., KAUSCH, I., DOTZLER, S., PFEIFFER, S., SCHUBERT-FRISIUS, M., WEISSMÜLLER, J., HACHINGER, S., KURZ, W., V. RAMM, A. (2019): Virtual Water Values – Multiscale Monitoring of Global Water Resources and Options for their Efficient and Sustainable Use. GROW Statuskonferenz 2019, Frankfurt (Germany), pp. 52-55.
von RAMM A., WEISMÜLLER J., KURTZ W., NECKEL T. (2019) Comparing Domain Decomposition Methods for the Parallelization of Distributed Land Surface Models. In: Rodrigues J. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2019. ICCS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11536. Springer, Cham,
Konferenzbeiträge und -poster
HACHINGER, S., GÖTZ, A., WEBER, T., MUNKE, J., HAYEK, M., NGUYEN, H., KURTZ, W., GARCÍA-HERNÁNDEZ, R., BATSAIKHAN, A., FRANK, A., SHARIKADZE, M., WEISMÜLLER, J., AND KRANZLMÜLLER, D. (2020): RDM: A New Focus of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Poster, RDA Deutschland Tagung 2020, Potsdam, 25-27 Februar 2020 (
GÖTZ, A., MUNKE, J., HAYEK, M., NGUYEN, H., WEBER, T., HACHINGER, S., AND WEISMÜLLER, J. (2020): A Lightweight, Microservice-Based Research Data Management Architecture for Large Scale Environmental Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7937 (
HACHINGER, S., KRANZELMÜLLER, D., WEBER, T. (2019): Environmental Computing and Data Management at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ, D). International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2019 – Environmental Computing Workshop, 31.03.2019, Taipei (Taiwan).
von RAMM, A. et al. (2019): Analysis of domain decomposition methods for distributed land surface models on HPC-Systems, EGU general assembly, HS3.4 – Opportunities and challenges in using High-Performance Computing for Terrestrial Systems modelling. European Geoscience Union (EGU), 8. – 13.04.2018, Vienna (Austria).
VOLLMER, D., BURKHARD, K., ADEM ESMAIL, B. ET AL.: Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Water Resources Management—Tools, Policies, Promising Pathways. Environmental Management 69, 627–635 (2022).
BERGER, MARKUS; CAMPOS, JAZMIN; CAROLLI, MAURO; DANTAS, IANNA; FORIN, SILVIA; KOSATICA, ERVIN; KRAMER, ANNIKA; MIKOSCH, NATALIA; NOURI, HAMIDEH; SCHLATTMANN, ANNA; SCHMIDT, FALK; SCHOMBERG, ANNA & SEMMLING, ELSA (2021): Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs – Recommendations from the “Water as a Global Resources” Research Initiative (GRoW). Water Resour Manage.
SCHLATTMENN, A., TESCHNER, N., VON HAAREN, C.: Who may use scarce water? An expedition into the normative basis of sustainable decision-making norms for sustainable water use. Water Policy (2021) 23 (3): 556–580.
SCHLATTMANN, A., BURKHARD K., PROBST E., PUJADES E., VON HAAREN C. & MAUSER W. (2021): Ecological sustainability of water distribution in the Danube basin – impacts of agricultural water use on biodiversity. In: Ecosystem Services Partnership Europe Conference, 07.06 – 10.06.2021 in Tartu (Estonia).
BURKHARD K., SCHLATTMANN A., NEUENDORF F., von HAAREN C. , MAUSER W. (2018): Application of remote sensing and big data for global water use sustainability assessment and monitoring. 7th International Conference on Cartography and GIS [ISSN: 1314-0604], 1/2: 765-773.
Konferenzpräsentationen und Poster
SCHLATTMANN A., Burkhard, Kremena, Neuendorf, Felix & von Haaren, Christina (2018): Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Wassernutzung in Bezug auf wasserabhängige Habitate und deren Leistungen. International Association for Landscape Ecology Jahrestagung Deutschland, 5. – 7.9.2018, Hannover (Germany).
SCHLATTMANN A. , BURKHARD K., NEUENDORF F., von HAAREN C. (2018): Water use sustainability assessments – a review of concepts addressing quantitative water issues in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – poster. Ecosystem Services Partnership Regional Conference, 15. – 19.10.2018, San Sebastian (Spain).
SCHLATTMANN A., NEUNDORF F., BURKHARD, K., von HAAREN C. (2019): Linking Water Footprints with agro-hydrological model data for a sustainability assessment approach – implications for water related SDGs. In: GRoW-Event: Supporting SDG 6 by advancing the water footprint tool on World Water Week Stockholm, 25. – 30.8.2019, Stockholm (Sweden).
NEUNDORF F., SCHLATTMANN A., BURHARD K., von HAAREN C. (2019): Sustainability assessment of agricultural water use as part of a remote sensing based management and monitoring tool – poster. International Society for River Sciences Conference, 8. – 13.9.2019, Vienna (Austria).
SCHLATTMANN A., NEUNDORF F., BURHARD K., von HAAREN C. (2019): Sustainability assessment of agricultural water use in the Danube Basin: First steps towards a global monitoring tool. In: Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conference, 21. – 25.10.2019 in Hannover (Germany).
SCHLATTMANN, A., BURKHARD, K., NEUENDORF, F., PROBST, E., PUJADES, E., VON HAAREN, C., MAUSER, W.: Ecological sustainability of water distribution in the Danube basin – impacts of agricultural water use on biodiversity. ESP Europe 2021 Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Oral presentation. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22563.58401
BURKHARD, K., SCHLATTMANN, A., VON HAAREN, C., NEUENDORF, F., KUMAR, R., RAKOVEC, O., ATTINGER S.: Spatial analysis for water use sustainability in the Danube basin – problems of spatial fit based on mHM hydrological model results and water governance analysis in Bulgaria. International Conference “Smart geography” 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria. Oral presentation.
BURKHARD, K., VON HAAREN, C., SCHLATTMANN, A., NEUENDORF, F., NEDKOV, S., BURKHARD, B., JACKSON, B.: The added value of coupling water-related models and concepts for ecosystem service assessment – examples and steps towards sustainable water management. ESP European Conference 2018, San Sebastian, Spain. Oral presentation.
BURKHARD, K., SCHLATTMANN, A., VON HAAREN, C., JACKSON, B.: Water takes the shape of its container – a better understanding of water flows and ecosystem services trade-offs for governance. At: 9th ESP Conference 2017, Shenzhen, China. Oral presentation.
Konferenzbeiträge und -poster
PUJADES E., KUMAR R., RAKOVEC O. SAMANIEGO L, ATTINGER S. (2018): Large scale groundwater model of the Danube Basin: A demonstrator model for the construction of global groundwater models. European Geoscience Union (EGU), 8. – 13.04.2018 Vienna (Austria).
PUJADES E., KUMAR R., JING M., RAKOVEC O., HOUBEN T., KALBACHER T., ATTINGER S. (2018): Numeric model of the Upper Danube Basin. On the path for building a realistic global coupled surface-subsurface numerical model. Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), 9. – 14.09.2018 in Daejeon (Korea).